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Sensory-Friendly Paint Mixing

Join GCM Team member, Jenna, in learning about primary and secondary colors while getting in some fun sensory play! All of the play and none of the mess!

Materials Needed: 3 ziplock bags 3 paint colors Paper towels Material to protect your table or floors Pen or sharpie


  1. Start by labeling your ziplock bags with the names of the colors that you will be putting inside of them. For example, if you are putting red and blue in one bag, you may want to label the top left corner “red”  and the bottom right corner “blue”.
  2. If you are using primary colors, you should have one bag for each combination: blue and red, red and yellow, and yellow and blue. Three bags in total!
  3. After you’ve labeled them, pour the paint into the bags. You will want to fill the bottom right corner for each bag first, and then the top left corner.
  4. Make sure you close the ziplock bags tight so that paint doesn’t overflow onto your workspace once we start the sensory part of the activity!
  5. Using your hands, your goal is to mix the paints in the bag! You can squish, crunch, rub, poke, mash… mix it up however you see fit!
  6. Ask lots of questions throughout the entire process. Explore the concept of creating new colors! What’s happening in the bag? What colors do you see? You can even ask about what they feel! What does the paint feel like when it’s in the bag? What does the plastic feel like? What temperature is the paint? Was it cold when you touched it? Does the temperature change after you’ve touched it!

Clean up is simple: Toss the bags of paint away, wipe up any excess paint, and fold up whatever you were using to protect your surface!

Team GCM Creator: Jenna