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Balloon Chemical Reaction

Team GCM member, Melissa, and her kiddos show what happens when you combine baking soda, vinegar, a balloon, and a bottle!


1 tablespoon of baking soda
3⁄4 cup of vinegar
Empty plastic bottle


1.Insert the funnel into the opening of the balloon
2. Using the spoon put 1 tablespoon of baking soda into the balloon
3. Remove the funnel and shake balloon so that all the baking soda goes all the way down
4. Use the funnel and measuring cup to pour 3⁄4 cup of vinegar into the plastic bottle
5. Holding the balloon by its neck, slid the opening over the mouth of the bottle(It helps to have someone hold the bottle while you put the balloon on)
6. Place the bottle on a hard surface and lift the end of the balloon up to pour the baking soda into the vinegar and watch the balloon inflate.

What’s happening?

When baking soda is added to the vinegar and acid reaction takes place. Carbon dioxide is produced which develops pressure inside the bottle and starts to inflate the balloon. Carbon Dioxide is a heavier gas than air so the balloon will inflate but won’t float.

Team GCM Creator: Melissa

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