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Cave Painting At Home & Activity Sheet

Team GCM member, Ashley, shows you how to do cave painting at home with your dining room table, some sheets, crayons, markers, pencils, and more! So, some of the earliest artworks are paintings, found in caves! Let’s look at these cave paintings from France in the Lascaux Caves.

What do you see? Do you see any animals? Do you see lots of hands? They used their hands as a stencil and painted all around it. When do you think these cave paintings were created? They’re about 15,000 years old which is a time period referred to as paleolithic which is when early humans lived in caves and first started creating tools out of stone. That’s way before televisions and computers!

Imagine you’re one of these early artists why would you make a cave painting? Why do you make art today? It might not be so different. Maybe these early artists saw lots of bulls and horses and wanted to record what they saw by painting it on the walls of the cave, similar to how today, we might take a picture of something we want to remember.

Let’s make a cave painting!

  1. Gather your materials: crayons, markers, colored pencils, and paper. You can even make your own paint! Check out our GCM at Home video, DIY Flour Paint to see how! You can use any paper you have, I used the inside of a brown paper grocery bag to make my art look more like a cave wall. 
  2. Find a place to create! You can create a blanket fort cave (check out the GCM at Home video, Fort Building Tips and Tricks), sit under a table, or anywhere you feel comfortable.
  3. Create your work of art! You can take inspiration from the cave paintings we looked at and use your hand as a stencil. What animals can you draw? 
  4. Hang up your artwork in your cave!
  5. Don’t forget to take a picture and with an adult’s permission to share your creation with us! Tag the Glazer Children’s Museum on social media and use #GCMatHome

Click the image to download 

Team GCM Creators: Ashley & Lauren