Follow along with Team GCM member, Jenna, as she shows you how to make your own puffy paint!
- Food dye
- Shaving cream
- Glue
- Paintbrushes
- Plastic cups
- Paper
- Popsicle sticks
- Fill each plastic cup with some liquid glue. There’s no wrong way, so feel free to guestimate and follow along with Jenna how much glue to put into each cup.
- Fill each cup with equal parts shaving cream to glue. You can change up the texture to your liking by either adding more glue or shaving cream.
- Choose what colors you’d like your puffy paint to be from your food dye! Now put about 10-15 drops into each cup.
- Use your popsicle sticks to now mix your puffy paint together.
- Now use your paintbrushes and your puffy paint to create an artistic masterpiece!
Team GCM Creator: Jenna