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Sky Day Project

Join GCM Team member, Maggie, in this two-day exploration of the sky above us all.  Even though we are all staying at home these days, we are still together under one sky—and that is a reason to celebrate! In order to celebrate, we are joining our friends at the SkyDay project.

There is only one important thing to remember about this project—make it all about the sky! No trees, no buildings, no pets… just the sky. Whether you are taking a picture or creating a piece of sky artwork to share, make sure there is nothing but sky in the frame.

Once you take your picture or are finished with your art, simply go to the website and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the upload photos button in the top right corner
  2. Choose the Glazer Children’s Museum on the dropdown menu as the SkyDay Gallery you want to post to
  3. Select the country you are in
  4. Browse to select your sky images
  5. Submit.

Process Art Activity

Process art is driven by the instincts of the artist.  It focuses more on the process the artist uses while creating instead of focusing on the end product of the art piece.  


Paint | Water | Paper | Straw | Newspaper or tablecloth (optional) | Paintbrush or mixing stick (optional) 


  1. Mix water into the paint until it’s thin and runny
  2. Put paint onto your paper in any design, shape, way you would like
  3. Take the straw and blow on the paint to move it around
  4. You can use your paintbrush, or your fingers, to add paint onto the paper and you can fill in the blank spaces as you wish
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you are happy with your piece!

Team GCM Creators: Maggie & Pam