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Avocado Recipe & Fun Facts

Hi there! It’s Caroline from Team GCM! I love avocado toast and I’m here to tell you some of my favorite facts about avocados, as well as show you how I made it for breakfast this morning.

Avocado Facts:

  • Despite their green color, avocados are a fruit.
  • Historians believe that the avocado originated from Puebla, Mexico around 10,000 B.C.
  • Make sure to throw away(or compost) the peel! It can be harmful to many household pets.
  • The big seed in the center is called the pit.
  • In America, avocados are mainly grown in Florida and California due to their warm climate. 
  • Need to ripen an avocado quickly? Place it in a paper bag with a banana. The banana will release ethylene gas, a natural plant hormone that helps ripen fruit. 
  • Avocados are the fruit with the highest protein content at 4 grams.
  • Avocados are called “butter fruit” in certain parts of India.
  • The harvesting season for avocados in California is from April to July
  •  Avocados made its way to the United States around 1833.

Team GCM Creator: Caroline